Genealogy – Fun Exploring Female Lines of the Family

Genealogy – Fun Exploring Female Lines of the Family

While taking a break from recording my personal story – I was documenting a difficult time in my life – I decided to tackle one of my long-time genealogy brick walls once again. Elizabeth Gilmour, my 4th great grandmother’s parents had been found but beyond that I knew nothing about her or her family line. I stumbled upon some fun stuff! I find some anomalies in the following document, it is still a work in progress. I am...

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The World I Entered – Part 5 – Maple syrup, Milk Pasturization, Agriculture, Needs in Europe, Rural Electrification

The World I Entered – Part 5 – Maple syrup, Milk Pasturization, Agriculture, Needs in Europe, Rural Electrification

When I began this series of articles focused on newspaper clippings from the six months around the time of my birth, I didn’t appreciate how much insight I would gain into the challenges faced by my parents during this period and the environment that helped to shape the person I would become. I did not anticipate how much would be revealed in the pages of the Perth Courier, a local newspaper, and as a result, these posts are long. Dip...

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The World I Entered – Part 4 – Immigration

The World I Entered – Part 4 – Immigration

March 1946 Movement of troops back to Canada was well underway. Along with the soldiers, wives and families were given assistance in traveling to Canada. War Brides Arrive This term gained popular currency during WWII to describe women who married Canadian servicemen overseas and then immigrated to Canada after the war to join their husbands. It is now also used to describe women who had similar experiences after WWI. By the end of 1946, there...

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The World I Entered – Part 2

The World I Entered – Part 2

‘The World I Entered’ posts are lengthy and probably not to every readers taste. Dip into them as you will. They are background for future posts and will allow me to provide links for family history down the road. Part 1, and now Part 2, give us a glimpse of ‘the norm’ of life during and immediately following the war. In February 1946, the post-war adjustment is becoming more clearly defined. Industries that stayed viable during the war revel...

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The World I Entered – Part 1

The World I Entered – Part 1

This ‘my story’ series, is written as part of a challenge. Although many of our traits are shaped by genetics, the environment that we live in also leaves its mark on us. By looking back to the era of my birth I am gaining insights into the lives of my parents and to the person I became. I’m hoping that by sharing ‘my story’ I can encourage others in the family connection to write ‘their’ story and offer it for sharing...

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The Farm Buildings – J.R. Ernest Miller Memories

The Farm Buildings – J.R. Ernest Miller Memories

The following about the Miller farm buildings is a portion of Dad’s Memories which he wrote and distributed to family members. This version contains edits he requested, but I failed to deliver, prior to his death. The Miller Farm Buildings during my Childhood The byre, as the cow stable was called in the early days, was a wooden floored building with wooden bales to fasten about twelve cows and a box stall for storing turnips and mangels...

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The Back Kitchen and Woodshed

The Back Kitchen and Woodshed

The Back Kitchen and Wood Shed While going through some photos I found this photo of the ‘back kitchen and woodshed’ that was attached to the back of the house. I spent many hours piling wood in the woodshed and one of my ‘chores’ was to fill the woodbox in the house with wood from the woodshed. In addition to the ‘back door’, there was a sliding door that was left open in the summer to let the wind blow...

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The Dodds & Miller House in Glen Tay

The Dodds & Miller House in Glen Tay

I have committed to getting family stories written this year and am using prompts from a variety of websites to get started. They all seem to suggest starting with ‘your’ story so here goes. I am publishing this ‘stream of consciousness’ rambling in the hope that I can convince others to write about their life story as well. I’m hoping that my relatives from the various families of my tree will take up the challenge. The following is a summary...

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Diane Miller Duncan – Glen Tay Memories – My Story

Diane Miller Duncan – Glen Tay Memories – My Story

I have committed to getting family stories written this year and am using prompts from a variety of websites to get started. They all seem to suggest starting with ‘your’ story so here goes. I am publishing this ‘stream of consciousness’ rambling in the hope that I can convince others to write about their life story as well. I’m hoping that my relatives from the various families of my tree will take up the challenge and forward their story for...

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