Up-Cycling Sweatshirts – #2

Up-Cycling Sweatshirts – #2

I’m still limited in my mobility while trying to avoid the coughing that results with physical exertion so, with sweatshirt #1 completed, I moved on to sweatshirt #2.  This time I was inspired by a posting on Pinterest.  The first posting I found was by Rachel Hatch and appears to have been woven with cotton broadcloth strips.  However, when I followed her links to my inspiration it led, via Danielle Schulz, to the original posting at The...

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Up-cycling Sweatshirts #1

Up-cycling Sweatshirts #1

Thanks to a particularly nasty encounter with a flu  bug I’ve been under the weather and very limited in creative energy.  In fact, for a number of days, I existed on fluids and slept.  Now hubby is dealing with it. However, a bit of hand work did manage to get completed and here is the first of my up-cycled sweatshirts finished.  Complete with pockets, it is sure to become a favorite! As the instructions I worked from didn’t have...

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