Early Presbyterian People of Perth

Early Presbyterian People of Perth

The following post and others to follow are excerpts captured from ‘wordstar’ and ‘wordperfect’ files inherited from My father, J.R. Ernest Miller who, in 1992, published 175 Years of Presbyterian History, First Presbyterian Church and St. Andrew’s Church, Perth.  I share these files as the names mentioned may provide clues for others seeking family information in the ‘black hole’ of eastern...

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Presbyterian Families of Perth & Area

Presbyterian Families of Perth & Area

During the summer of 1818, Rev. Bell travelled to Brockville, Prescott, Lachine and Montreal in his efforts to raise funds for the erection of a suitable Church. The local settlers had agreed to furnish the necessary labour but were unable to contribute any financial support. More than 150 pounds sterling was raised, and a church building was built the following spring. Alexander Fraser, John Watson and Peter McPherson were named as Trustees of...

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Granny Miller – My Inspiration

Granny Miller – My Inspiration

Alice Whyte Ferrier (1888-1974) Alice Whyte Ferrier Miller 1968 on her 80th birthday I have just polished a silver-plated casserole stand and cover, preparing it for the next phase of its journey. It is time to pass it on. Granny, an accomplished needlewoman, often vied for the top exhibitor status at the local fairs and the casserole, won at the Perth Fair one year, was one of her prize possessions. As a child, I remember it frequently...

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