Fibre Art & Quilts

Mixed Media/Fibre Art, Kansas Sunset – Waiting for a Breeze © Diane Duncan 2014
My roots in sewing and stitching are never far below the surface, in fact, I’ve become like one of those aerial plants with my roots exposed! Although I work in a number of media – I like variety and one media informs another – I always return to fibre!
Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on November 23, 2017 in Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts | 1 comment
A week or so ago the Fibre Optics Group experimented with some novel ways for dyeing silk scarves. I love the results! Dyeing with Bleeding Tissue Have you discovered how to use bleeding tissue paper to colour some scarves? I did and love the results. I used the ‘cool’ colour package that has a variety of blues and greens with purple blue as the really dark colour. Experimenting with different ways to use the tissue and to fold the scarf for different effects gave me ideas for use next time. My favorite scarf resulted from a...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on December 4, 2016 in Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts | 0 comments
This is just an advance peek at what is happening in the studio. I’m battling a flu bug at the moment so haven’t taken the ‘official’ exhibition photos for submission to the Fibre Art Network (FAN) ‘Botanical Reflections’ exhibition and sale to open at Van Dusen Gardens in Vancouver on 27 January 2017. These were quick shots taken with my tablet under low light conditions after I completed the framing this afternoon and better images will be forthcoming. Van Dusen Gardens is an internationally recognized...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on August 3, 2016 in Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts | 1 comment
I’ve been watching for additional shows to enter and a couple of years ago I had flagged the ‘Focus on Fibre’, a biennial exhibition in Edmonton as a possibility. The 2016 theme ‘My Heritage’ was especially appealing as it fits so well with my current work direction. Over the past couple of years I have been working on a piece ‘just because’ I wanted to, without a schedule or plan for it! It fit beautifully with this theme. Thus ‘Ripples in Time’ came into being! I was...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on July 29, 2016 in Exhibitions & Shows, Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts | 0 comments
Last year a group of Calgary and area Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) decided to meet and share ideas. This gathering resulted in the assembly of an exhibition ‘Road Trip’. The theme was an invitation to share memories or dreams of a road trip. This show was non-juried and limited to new work. It portrays a wide variety of artist styles and interpretations. Earlier this year, this exhibition was shown at the Fish Creek and Crowfoot libraries in Calgary. During the month of August Road Trip will be shown at the High River...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on July 27, 2016 in Exhibitions & Shows, Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts, Mixed Media, This And that! | 0 comments
I am the third generation to appear in this series and what do I say about this piece and myself? For me the series has been about family traditions and memories and the richness to be gained by passing these on to subsequent generations. In previous posts I have talked about Grandmothers and the legacy they left me, my parents and how they influenced my view of the world. This fifth piece is about the synthesis that occurs when that ingrained influence of the past is combined with the world of today. Creating Me: Diane Duncan 2016 In...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on July 27, 2016 in Community & Family History, Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts, Mixed Media | 0 comments
Although Dad didn’t participate in needle crafts, he inspired my work in many other ways. I chose to include him in ‘The Tie That Binds’ because we shared an interest in genealogy that led to my desire to record family history in a variety of ways. In this piece, I even included one of his favorite ties! Early Life JRE Miller (Ernie) was born at Glen Tay during WW1, attend Glen Tay Public School (SS#3 Bathurst, also my alma mater) and completed Grade 10 at Perth Collegiate Institute. During his time in high school he was...
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