This and that!

Winter Sunrise From My Window in Calgary
Sometime ‘life’ is dominating my thoughts and work. Sometimes these little windows into my world don’t fit neatly anywhere else so they get listed under ‘This and That!’ Sometimes an issue requires a rant. Or I just feel like sharing something that is important or has touched me in someway.
Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on January 13, 2016 in Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts, This And that! | 0 comments
On a rainy morning in April 2015, after breakfast overlooking the harbour with my cousin and her husband, I searched out the studio of Jill Sullivan. Jill lives on the wonderful Sunshine coast of British Columbia. Jill started quilting before she knew the rules, then when she learned the rules she didn’t want to follow them! Today her work is abstract is style and has layers of colour and luscious texture painted on fabric. Although her beginnings were in quilting, today her foremost interest is Surface Design using dye, print paste,...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on January 11, 2016 in Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts, This And that! | 0 comments
When I arrived at Anni Hunt’s house I almost didn’t want to go inside. The view was so stunning. But when I did, I met a hospitable artist whose work amazed me! The artwork of Anni Hunt is varied. She is a fibre artist who uses many different surface design techniques in her work. The first images to catch my attention were her images of Haida totems based on photos she took a number of years ago. I noticed on her blog that many of them have recently sold. They are wonderful. Anni used photo transfer to print them on white...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on January 8, 2016 in Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts, This And that! | 0 comments
Jennifer Cooper has a heritage that inspires her artwork, her west coast and fishery series in particular. She feels strongly that the Canadian fisheries, whether east or west coast, was a dominant factor in the settlement of this country and needs to be highlighted. The off-shore fisheries were popular for centuries before official discovery and settlement of this country and has been a critical factor in the development of Canadian culture. Jennifer dates her first piece of fibre art to the summer she was 12 when in she spied a project in a...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on January 7, 2016 in Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts, This And that! | 0 comments
Mark on the Body Project Honoring those who live with type 1 diabetes I have followed Margaret Blank’s ‘Honoring Those Who Live With Type 1 Diabetes’ project for some time and recently contacted her to make a contribution. Her husband died at a young age as the result of diabetic complications and she has undertaken a mammoth art project entitled ‘Mark on the Body’. For the details visit her blog. She tells of how the project began in a post written on 28 November 2013. She talks of the impact on the skin of...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on January 5, 2016 in Featured Flag, This And that! | 2 comments
My Tuesdays have been designated art play day for the foreseeable future! Three friends and I spent the day chatting, laughing, and generally having fun as we worked through a couple of art exercises. I hosted today so I organized a warm up exercise for the first half hour – exploring different material to use when adding colour to a junk journal page. The journals were a gift I prepared for each of our group before Christmas. I wanted to keep the exercises simple so that we could relax and not get lost in our own efforts. Each person...
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Posted by Diane Miller Duncan on January 4, 2016 in Crochet, Knitting and Knotting, Featured Flag, This And that! | 0 comments
Embracing the new year! Letting go of the ‘old’ from 2015 and embracing the ‘new’ of 2016. This morning got off to a great start with the start of a new cycle at the gym. Jenn our coach for the Living Well program keeps us on our toes! I’ve been missing the structured exercise program over the past two weeks. I’m still ‘clearing’ bits and pieces from 2015. Today was work on our computers. I spent the day making sure that all the data on older units was recorded before we stripe them for...
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