Attack on My Someday Pile!

Posted by on September 12, 2016 in Featured Flag, This And that! | 1 comment


Just part of my assault on my someday pile!


I disappeared for a few days… to my sewing machine!  Every September, after a summer of this’s and that’s, I have a mind that dances all over and has trouble settling on art priorities and letting me get down to business. I’ve discovered a bit of a pattern developing. I turn to my Someday pile.


McKenzie's Big Girl Quilt

McKenzie’s Big Girl Quilt – Late summer 2013


In 2013 I spent the summer making quilts – I think it was seven quilts to be exact that I completed before turning to my art ! I think that summer was thinking time as I tried to find a focus for my art.


Placemats for a wedding gift - 2014

Placemats for a wedding gift – 2014


In 2014, before tackling some art show pieces, I played with a number of smaller projects, including some table mats for a gift.


The Magic Blanket - 2015

The Magic Blanket – 2015


In 2015, I made the magic blanket, but I didn’t write a post about it. When I look back I was too ill to do more than go through the motions of participating so the blog didn’t cut it!


Another Baby Quilt - 2016

One of seven Baby Quilts – 2016

In 2016, once again not knowing where to focus my energies – yes energies (I’m back on track!) – I have tackled my ‘someday pile’.


My someday pile you ask? Those of you who sew, quilt, or do art in any form know what I mean by my PHDs (Projects Half Done) and my UFOs (UnFinished Objects) but I’m sure I’m not the only one who also has a Someday Pile. You know, those supplies that you gathered to do ‘that’ project. The ones that are filling up your shelves and storage spaces. The things that you feel you ‘should do’, or ‘want to do’ but that are not priorities so they never get done!

I also see a sub-pattern emerging – my ‘settling’ projects from my someday pile often involve recycling or scrap busting!

So what are my projects in 2016? I have completed four baby quilts and three more are assembled and waiting for quilting before I move on. Check out the photo at the top of this post!

I’ve used the time to plan my next exhibition entries in my head – ready for drafting in my journal. I’m already identifying the inputs required and can’t wait to start. Good use of my time I think!

1 Comment

  1. (grin) I have a series of ‘someday trays’…trays in which I put pre-cut strips or squares or whatever for specific projects, such as 2″ x 7″ strips — light, medium, dark — that will go into a penny square quilt, or odd strips that will eventually be string-pieced. They are then ready whenever I too need to rest my brain… I agree; it’s a good use of time and just plain fun!

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