A Quilt Full of Hugs from Granny

Posted by on July 23, 2013 in Featured Flag, Fibre Art & Quilts, Fibre Art & Quilts Portfolio | 0 comments

Modern Quilt - Youth quilt

A Quilt Full of Hugs© 2013 Diane Duncan for a little girl who loves pink and purple and who just got a ‘big girl bed’.

Finally finished!  A quilt for a special little three year old!  This is the second quilt I have finished in the last month, both single bed size.  I’m temporarily quilted out and looking forward to a visit from my son later in the week so it’s clean-up time but I’m sure I’ll be back at it shortly!

Once again I’m ‘stash busting’.  This time I worked with a family of colours in the pinks, mauves and purples.  The little girl who will receive this quilt likes pink but I don’t have a lot in my stash (the hot pinks were pulled for another quilt project) so strayed into the mauves and purples to round out the selection of fabric for this quilt.  I used a 60 degree template and created a triangle within a triangle to create 12 inch blocks, some in darks others in light colours.  I used all straight line quilting that follows the triangular shapes and also in the border.  I originally intended to use much lighter quilting but as I worked on the quilt the ‘channels’ became narrower and narrower and I liked the texture created.  It also should help it stand up to the laundering I’m sure it will receive.

Modern Quilt - Youth Quilt

Straight Line quilting – Keeping it simple!
A Quilt Full of Hugs for McKenzie – Detail © 2013 Diane Duncan


The two quilts I have just completed have helped me remember ‘how to make a quilt’.  The last ‘bed quilt’ was begun in the early 1980’s and completed in 2005. So much of my work is created for wall display.  I have made a couple of crib quilts and lap quilts in the interim though.

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