New Year’s Day 2013 – Choosing my Word for this Year
Happy New Year everyone!
I was going to wait until tomorrow to do a post but thought better of it. I need to put down a marker – a marker for a new beginning, a new direction, a new focus.

A winter sunrise in Calgary AB
It’s been a pleasant start to the New Year. A leisurely breakfast, some work on a major fiber art piece neglected for a couple of years because it is too large for my work area in the RV, preparation for some journal work this year, topped off with a swim with my granddaughter and dinner when her parents arrived this evening.
Throughout the day, I’ve been mulling over words for this year and still haven’t fully decided on one to use as my reference point. Last year it was ‘persevere’ and it proved to be a word with a tremendous amount of meaning for me throughout the year. It helped sustain me through some really tumultuous times. I’m hopeful that more things will fall into place in 2013 and this year will be less eventful.
One word that keeps coming to mind is ‘Renew’. I need to ‘renew’ me by attending to my physical well being, to ‘renew’ my energy reserves, to ‘renew’ my ability to focus and to create, to ‘renew’ my sense of joy and appreciation, to ‘renew’ my ability to ‘just roll with it’.
This is the year for me to ‘renew’ my commitment to my creative pursuits, to refocus on my artwork, to continue to explore new applications of tools, media and ideas to my work. I feel that I’ve been out of the main-flow of creating long enough that my work will take a decided but exciting new twist. Almost four years of travel and experiences have affected me in many ways that I am sure will emerge in my work. I’m anxious to see how this will unfold!
On the physical front, I need to get serious about some exercise for a hip/lower back that is becoming problematic at times. Too many years of commuting and sitting in front of a computer for long, intense hours, has taken it’s toll. I’ve been successful in shedding a number of unwanted pounds this year, but still have a few more that I would like to part company with. I need to ‘renew’ an emphasis on a healthy, low fat and reduced-carb diet.
In order to achieve the goals that are emerging, I need to return to a ‘quiet mind’ state – to create a calm environment with minimal distractions for my work. There are still some family issues that will demand attention from time to time but hopefully that front will be quieter this year! I need to ‘renew’ my effort to find daily quiet time – with books, journals and reflection time included.
New Year’s day is a time for reflection for me. A marker in time that helps to leave the past behind and look towards the future. I’ve already taken some ‘first steps’ today. I think that I’ve reached a decision – my word for 2013 – RENEW.

Today’s journal notes – more on this to come!