Putting it all Together

Deep Freeze Time!
I’m trying to pull all the bits together as we coast towards the end of 2016. We are in the middle of a deep freeze here in Calgary and I am being a wimp! If I don’t have to go out, I don’t! The ground is white, the weather forecasts are full of warnings and the accident count is high. One of the joys of being in ‘retirement’ mode is not ‘having to do’ a lot of things!
Go Away Flu!
I still have the lingering effects of a three-week flu that has methodically moved from sinus to ears to throat and back to sinus with achy bones and fever thrown in along the way. We are faithful with getting our flu shots and have been for many years. I qualified as ‘at risk’ an number of years ago so have just accepted them as part of my annual routine. As I age, and with a six year old in the family, I feel I want as much protection as I can get. In spite of this, for the past three years about four weeks after receiving my shot, I have succumbed to the current flu bug. This year my husband was very sick while I have been ‘under the weather’ for the most part – a reversal of roles for us!
Making Hot Lemon(ade)…
Low energy and enforced inactivity have given me an opportunity to clear the after-effects of having turned the condo into a studio while my husband was away this summer. Sewing tools and materials have found their way back to my ‘studio’ room, the leftovers from clearing the RV have found their way to storage and I have even sorted a couple of boxes of ‘stuff’.
Pulling the Pieces Together at the end of 2016
Thank goodness I mostly completed my two pieces for the upcoming art show before I lost momentum and I recently sent off the required paperwork. I still have a couple of weeks to solve the challenge of packaging before they get shipped to the show coordinator.
Before all the ‘materials’ that surrounded my chair could be stashed, I managed to complete a shawl that has been in the works since the summer. One more thing off my ‘to do’ list and a new item for my next show/sale opportunity. On to the rest of the list!

Mesh woven Shawl