The World I Entered – Part 1
This ‘my story’ series, is written as part of a challenge. Although many of our traits are shaped by genetics, the environment that we live in also leaves its mark on us. By looking back to the era of my birth I am gaining insights into the lives of my parents and to the person I became. I’m hoping that by sharing ‘my story’ I can encourage others in the family connection to write ‘their’ story and offer it for sharing with others. To write this article I looked at the six months of Perth Courier issues surrounding the date of my birth. As encouragement to other genealogists, look what I found out about ‘family’ as well!

1945 – What a Year!
3 Jan 1946
Looking back on 1945, Perth Courier
“Historians of tomorrow cannot fail to note 1945 as one of the greatest of all years – the dividing line between an age that is past and the new atomic era.”
1945, the year of the atomic bomb, of the end of conflict, the return of our youth from the wars, the birth of the United Nations Organization. ‘For Canada, the question will be asked: “How will all these events affect our future and particularly the course of the first years of reconstruction?”’
Bathurst Township Council
The Bathurst Township Council met, and present were Reeve (J.C.) Mather (my grandfather), councillors; (Lloyd) North, (Delbert) Chaplin (my great uncle), and (Alex) Armour (another great uncle). It appears that W.M. Rogers was absent. J.G. Korry (husband of 1st cousin 2x removed) was clerk. Mrs E.C. Devlin was treasurer. P.J. Pennett was collector and caretaker; Thomas Balderson was school attendance officer; and Dr. W.G. Blair (1st cousin 2x removed) was municipal officer of health.
Scotch Line Union Cheese Factory
The annual meeting of the Scotch Line Union Cheese Factory is announced for 12 January. Items for discussion: filling ice versus installation of a butter room with cooler and election of officers. T. Cecil Dodds (2nd cousin 2x removed), President and Mervyn Ferrier (great uncle), Secretary.
Family in the Personal Column
In the personal column I noted that Lloyd R. Ferrier, Scotch Line, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ferrier, Montreal (2 great uncles).
Dr. W. G. Blair, M.P., (1st cousin 2x removed) Mrs Blair, Helen and Arthur, of Perth, spent Christmas at Mr John Blair’s. Miss Margaret Blair, RN, of Kingston, spent Christmas at her home there.
Lanark County Federation of Agriculture – Youth Leadership Conference
In ‘Federation News’ we learn of a four-day leadership conference focused on ‘cooperation and rural leadership’ held at Queens University over the Christmas season. Presenters included R. Winters, Director of Adult Education for Ontario – education and democracy -and noted the effort to adapt the program used by RCAF during wartime to peacetime activities; R.C. Wallace on leadership; A.C. Savage, Secretary of the Ontario Cooperative Union, explained the theories and principles of the cooperative movement and noted that seventy percent of all co-ops in Canada were rural in nature; G. Wilson, director of the Fruit Branch, Dominion Department of Agriculture discussed marketing of farm products.
The article ends “Altogether it would be hard to estimate the value of these courses. They need to be longer, we need to have more of them, but even these four days serve to interest and train young people for leadership in their own rural communities and leaders in rural communities are one of the dire needs of our country today”. This article was of interest to me because years later, in 1985, I was a member of the first Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP), a two-year seminar program with travel opportunities included. There will be more on this in future articles!
Perth Town Hall Clock Story

Perth Town Hall Clock
This article caught my eye, partly for the history of the Perth town clock, but also for the reference to J. M. Miller. Apparently, this was James Morton Miller, born c 1841 and died 20 Nov 1889. He married Isabella Maxwell Haggart, daughter of Hon. John H. Haggart, 5 Aug 1868. On his death record he is listed as born in Quebec, occupation capitalist, church of England. I don’t believe there is a family connection.
The Post War Challenge
A message for all time –
“Today the world must take its choice. There must be one world for all of us or there will be no world for any of us”.
US Secretary of State, James Francis Byrnes, 1945-1947.
17 Jan 1946
Bathurst Farm Forums
The Bathurst Farm Forums and directors of the Township Federation of Agriculture laid plans for year aimed to improve conditions of the agricultural industry in the area. Foremost was the effort to control the warble fly. Farmers were urged to arrange for the local veterinarian to treat horses and sheep for internal parasites. It was thought that Bathurst farmers should be encouraged to take a more active part in the campaign to control buckthorn and barberry shrubs as they serve as a host to the spore of the fungus responsible for rust on cereal grains. Test plots, featuring new varieties of potatoes and new preventative measures and treatment of late blight, will be established. Another project, the establishment of long term pastures, was identified. The goal was to show which of the permanent and semi-permanent grasses are best suited for the climate and soil conditions in Bathurst Township.
Family Allowance Act

Canadian Family Allowance Program
The Family Allowance Act is implemented. My parents chose to deposit it in a trust bank account and it was used to pay the expenses associated with my wedding years later.
Lanark-Leeds Ayrshire Breeders Association
G.M. Ferrier, Perth, was elected president of Lanark-Leeds Ayrshire Breeders Association. It was decided that the 1946 Ayrshire show would be held at Perth Fair at the 100th anniversary of the South Lanark Agricultural Society.
24 Jan 1946
Bathurst Township Council
J.C. Mather, Esq. was declared Reeve; Messrs. Alex Armour, Delbert Chaplin, Lloyd North and Wm. M Rogers, Councillors. Gordon Ferguson appointed weed inspector for 1946 at a salary of 46 cents per hour and 8 cents mileage. Thomas Balderson appointed School Attendance officer at a salary of $20. J.F. Wilson is appointed of Local Board of Health.
Perth District Collegiate Posting of First Term Results
Relatives, too numerous to mention here!
31 Jan 1946
IODE Post War Service Program

IODE Post War – part 1
The Postwar Service Programme for 1946 will provide:
British and European civilian relief, including direct Polish relief, work for seamen: a Adoption of ships; b seamen’s comforts, hospitality; i for convalescent service men and women; ii continued work in hostels, canteens, clubs and service centres as long as the need exists.
Europe is in ruins, Britain hard pressed and suffering from greater privations than at any time during the war. Canada and the rest of the North American continent is the only source from which help can come to the desperate people of Europe now these people will wonder why they have helped to overthrow the German government.
Situation Desperate
The situation of most people in Europe is beyond our imagining. Thousands are now dying of cold

IODE Post War Program Part 2
and hunger. Their clothing and bedding are in rags and their homes but ruins around them. It is estimated that even with the help now on its way and which can reach them soon, millions may die of cold and starvation. The women of Britain have been sending what they could and are knitting and sewing to help save Europe. In the face of these conditions, we who have plenty cannot go home to normal living but must help share the burden in the Battle for Peace.
Industries in Europe have been wiped out, millions of innocent victims left in the wake of the war, roam the country with no place to call “home”, or are living in concentration camps with the future grim uncertainty. The thought that the people of the British Empire are working for them will give them faith in what they fought for and hope that the right sort of order will come out of the chaos…
Lanark Holstein Breeders Association
‘A very successful barn meeting was held at the farm of R. H. McIlquham, Lanark, when some 75 members gathered to participate in an interesting program.” … A judging program was conducted by Mr. Ernest Miller (my father) and Dr. McKenzie (of the Central Experimental Farm). The winner was Lloyd Ferrier (Great uncle).
Dr. McKenzie spoke on dairy herd management mentioning the need for greater control of the three major cattle diseases, tuberculosis, Slang’s and mastitis. (Shades of things to come for the Miller family).
In the News

Barbara-Ann Scott Mar 1946
Barbara Ann Scott, of Ottawa, was crowned senior women’s figure skating champion. Barbara Ann Scott, was the daughter of Mary Scott and the late Col. Clyde Scott of Perth. “Winner of practically every available award in the United States and Canada, Miss Scott became the youngest skater ever to win the North American Senior Ladies’ Figure Skating Championship when she won the title on March 5 last year” (1945).
Many Servicemen Seek Employment in this District
Heavy registration of people seeking work…report 125 persons on their books. Totals…showed 225 employed, 7 were female and 69 were ex-servicemen. Apart from logging and cordwood cutting there are no jobs available locally except two vacancies for highly skilled mechanics.
Rehabilitation Plan
Maj-Gen E.L.M. Burns, Director General of Rehabilitation
The rehabilitation begins (for the Department of Veteran Affairs) with the veteran’s visit to the Rehabilitation Centre. There he gets counsel, and some course of action is decided upon. The training department is responsible for following up the progress of the veterans who have been approved for training. Due to the rapid demobilization, and the shortage of staff, large numbers requiring support are frustrated.
Orville Ferrier, All Canadian Junior Judging Competition
Orville Ferrier, of the Perth Calf Club was second. The winner was Eileen Dickie, 16, from Truro Nova Scotia. A total of 439 boys and girls from 39 Calf Clubs in six provinces took part.
Mr(s). Wm. Ashby New President of Presbyterial
Mrs. William Ashby (Ellen Duncan)(wife of great uncle), of McDonald’s Corners was elected president of the Lanark and Renfrew Presbyterial WMS.
to be continued…
Good morning Diane – just sitting in beautiful, historic Annapolis, Md during the Covis 19 stay at home. Just wanted to thank you for this very informative article. Lots of good memories. Thank you
Hi Robert,
It is really good to hear from you. I will be in touch via email. Have a lot of Mather and Ashby research to share and have some questions for you.
Hi Robert,
did you send an email? Can we touch base off line?
Diane :Your efforts astound me ! I encourage you to continue on with your writing, as it presents a different world from the one today. In some instances it is still the same . People in the world are still starving; war is still rampant
the rural community no longer exists as we knew it.. but I also remember that MY parents often wondered what the
world was coming to . and here we still are. (and I am from your parents generation. ) I will look forward to reading more of your all encompassing journals, as I look back over my almost 90 years of living in rural Lanark County.
and remember. One thing still puzzles me, and has for many years. We will always need food but I think the world has lost sight as to who is going to actually grow it? Newspapers and social media rarely mention farming today. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the vote of confidence Irene. I’ve been meaning to phone for a chat. It’s a little scary putting it ‘out there’!