Socks, Socks and More Socks!

Socks, Socks and More Socks!

In January 2009 we headed out for a epic journey in our motor home and, knowing my inability to sit for long periods of time without something to do with my hands, I made a stop at the local yarn shop before our departure.  At that point in time I hadn’t had knitting needles in my hands for at least 20 years and I had never tackled ‘socks’ – lots of sweater, hats, afghans – but no socks!  That winter I completed my...

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New Year’s Ramblings

New Year’s Ramblings

I want to wish everyone a happy and productive 2012. I’ve been quickly scanning the blogs of a number of on-line friends and I am amazed at how ambitious everyone seems to be. I continue to struggle to find blocks of time to focus intensely on my art and have to keep reminding myself of what a wonderful gift my travel experiences are. That said, I have decided that this year I’m going to choose a word to remind myself to find the...

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