My Response to COVID-19

My Response to COVID-19

I don’t want to take supplies away from our medical personnel but I need access to breathing protection. So I did a lot of research. I am making fabric masks that will not be perfect for virus protection, but will up my level of protection when I have to venture out to get supplies, and will work for me during seasons when pollen, dust and smoke are prevalent. First of all I am sheltering at home and have since early March. We wash our...

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The Gilmour Story

The Gilmour Story

For decades we have wondered who ‘Elizabeth Gilmour’s family might be (my 4th great grandmother). We thought that she married William Miller 14 April 1683 and that she was baptized in Mearns Parish, Renfrewshire, 25 Apr 1762 (E. Miller, 1993). This was later aligned to 14 April 1765 (considered most likely in later research) and her parents might be Agness Carselaw and William Gilmour. Until recently I accepted this information. Ted Miller, a...

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