Fibre Artist – Marianne Parsons, Oliver BC
Marianne Parsons was one of the people to whom we owe gratitude for the formation of the Fibre Art Network (FAN). She is one of the charter members of the group. Coming from a farm background in Saskatchewan, this woman has taken her early training in clothing construction and her training as a teacher to influence the lives of many. After teaching quilting for a number of years she decided she didn’t want to sew any more straight lines or to worry about square corners. She wanted to create something that would offer a surprise to the viewer.
While her daughters were growing up she crafted and arted casually but with the formation of FAN she decided to get a little more serious about her work. Her first show was at the Penticton Art Gallery in conjunction with another quilt artist and an free form knitter.
She is a member of the Fabricators, a group of fibre artists that meet regularly and one of her favorite projects was an early undertaking of the group. It was a ‘tin’ exchange and the delicate components of the piece ‘Variations in Cream’ that resulted, hang on the wall near her studio. The soft, pastel colours and delicate nature of the squares draws you in to look for details. Each square prompts Marianne to tell the story of the creator. What a treasure.
Marianne no longer sticks to ‘quilter fabrics’ that she has used in the past and is experimenting with the interesting effects she can achieve when she uses synthetics. Although she has a show or two looming on the horizon Marianne creates ‘for fun’. She tells me she needs to create and loves to teach.
One of my favorite pieces was hanging on the living room wall.