Ta-Da! Aspen Moment – A Fibre Art Installation Piece Almost Finished!

Aspen Moment, fibre art installation © 2013 Diane Duncan, Calgary, AB
Almost Finished! It really needs back lighting!
I’m slowly recovering from the mammoth task of completing ‘Aspen Moment’ to a point where it could be photographed and a show submission completed! I’ve discovered that working in a confined space does not make large pieces like this an easy task!
I’m in love with the lowly aspens of the western provinces! The groves with their rigid trunks and the autumn gold of their leaves are the closest thing I can find in the west to the paper birch that I remember from childhood roams on our Ontario family farm.
I have not previously tackled a fibre art ‘installation’ piece so the structural component has been a welcome challenge for me. Aspen Moment will need to be suspended and will hang about five feet down from a circular structure that supports the leaves. 3-D trunks are supported by a quilted gravel-bed. Last fall I experimented with paper cloth and found it the perfect technique for the construction of the tree trunks. I used three layers of sheers to suggest distant vistas between the trunks of my ‘grove’. The piece is actually two-sided so can be hung to be viewed from all sides.
Aspen Moment will be part of a group show in October and I’ve got my fingers crossed for an exhibition opportunity in 2014. What do you think?