More Considerations When Planning an Exhibition

Posted by on February 24, 2013 in Featured Flag, This And that! | 1 comment

Window at Rosamond Mill

Window at Rosamond Mill 7×14.5″ (before framing) watercolour © c.1997 Diane Duncan.
The building where this window was found is currently the home of the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in Almonte, ON – for sale from the MVTM gift shop.


Collaboration – A Tool for Increasing Your Audience

Continuing from my post of notes made  while reading Anna Hergert’s blog, I turned to Alyson Stanfield’s blog and the first posting that came up was ‘Multiply Your Exhibition Audience with Collaborative Programs.  Right off the bat she provided a list of things that art museums consider when developing their exhibition schedule.  This was of particular interest to me as I have a favorite spot I would someday like to approach in Almonte, ON – The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum.

Alyson says that when planning their exhibition schedules, art museums consider things like funding sources, gallery space, scholarship, budget needs and audience interest. In other words they ask “Can we program this?”  “What supporting programs will bring people through the doors?”

Alyson goes on to provide examples of how Jill Powers added dancers, a public artist talk by an artist in the film media and a party for all her collaborators complete with a slide presentation with credits for contributions to her art show.  Alyson’s link on the page include info to help you write your proposal, to use a program called SlideShare, and provides a link to an example site by Harriete Estel Berman  While poking around I found this page with her widget program for creating a Slideshow page badge.  I haven’t tried it so I can’t speak to it’s use.

In one of her links, Alyson goes on to provide step by step instructions to help you install Slideshare.  There’s so much in this one posting that I’m going to stop here for today!


1 Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing this post, Diane! I wish you the best with your projects.

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