Air, Earth, Fire and Water – A Grand Canyon Triptych

Air, Earth, Fire, Water 144″ x36″ Acrylic Triptych © 2005 Diane Duncan
Air, Earth, Fire and Water – A Grand Canyon Triptych
On my first visit to the Grand Canyon it was a sunny but cold February day and we did the tourist trip around the village. On our second visit, it was a warm and golden day in late October and we leisurely travelled from lookout to lookout along the rim, arriving at the eastern entrance to the park in late afternoon. When we stepped out of the gift shop at the Desert View Watchtower we realized that photographers were lining up along the wall in anticipation of a wonderful sunset. We delayed our departure and joined in the activities. I took a series of shots revolving through 90 degrees from where I stood.
The sunset that night made such an impression on me that when I returned home I often dreamt of that view and soon found myself the owner of three 36×48″ canvases. They called to me each weekend and night after work. For over six months I worked on this triptych and it has enjoyed a place of prominence in each of my homes since then.
Circa 2005
144″ x 36″ – three canvas
In the artist’s collection. A small number of giclee copies have been created. Two giclee copies are still available. One is 8′ in length, the second is 9′ in length. Contact the artist for details.
Detail of each panel

Air, Earth, Fire and Water – Panel 1 36×48″ Acrylic © 2005 Diane Duncan

Air, Earth, Fire, Water- Panel 2 36×48″ Acrylic © 2005 Diane Duncan

Air, Earth, Fire, Water- Panel 3 36×48″ Acrylic © 2005 Diane Duncan