Knitting and Crochet Projects
I’ve been lying low for a reason – I am reduced to typing with one hand and one finger due to a broken wrist shortly after my last post. Hopefully, surgery later this year will correct the resulting problem.
In the meantime I have experienced 12 weeks in a cast, visits to specialists, travelled half way across the continent west to east and back again to finalize the sale of our home and then halfway across the north and south axis to our winter destination in search of some sun and much needed R&R.
All the above to say I’m just getting into creative mode again. I have discovered that although I can’t rotate my wrist to typing position, I have gradually gained enough strength to knit and crochet. So knit and crochet I am. Prolonged activity of any one kind is not in the cards so I bounce from one thing to another.
The first project this summer is a baby sweater for one of a couple of new arrivals into our family in the near future. We don’t know whether they will be a boy or girl so pale green was the color of choice. I found a couple of balls of a really nice variegated yarn in my stash so I have been busy knitting.
I searched on-line for a pattern I remembered from the era of my children and found a really great web site I didn’t find the exact pattern but did find one much like it. When I did my test swatch I found the yarn and pattern didn’t match. The sweater is knit from front edge to front edge in one piece so the math to make it work wasn’t too complex. I’ll provide more details in a later post. The knitting is slow for me. What I would have finished in three or four days, has taken me four weeks and I’m only three quarters finished. So be it!
The second project, is a broomstick lace bunting bag from a pattern leaflet from the late 1970’s. I made one for my kids and loved it so one of the babies should enjoy it. This project uses different arm and hand movements so helps me avoid stressing the wrist too much. Broomstick lace works up quickly so my slowness won’t be as much of an issue. I’m always eager to get on with new projects and I’d like to add a crib quilt to my selection of gifts as well. I always try and keep a couple of gifts ahead but I depleted my ready gift stash in the fall. The next generation seems to have discovered how to make babies!
The third active project at the moment is a crocheted afghan that I started a year ago. It’s one of my ‘use-it-or-lose-it’ projects. I had a three drawer storage unit full of worsted weight wool in many colors that has taken up space for years. I found a pattern for an afghan that works well for this kind of stash. It is long rows of single crochet using two strands of yarn with a color change at the end of each row. This creates a wonderful tweed effect that helps blend the different colors together. The throw will be heavy when finished but will hold its shape well as a result of is strength. I made it long enough that it will prevent the age-old battle to stay covered when used at nap time on the couch.
I bounce from one project to another, depending on what my wrist will tolerate and what time and weather dictate. On cool days I spend longer working on the afghan – I can wrap my legs in it. The weather here in Yuma has been cooler than usual so this is an advantage when I want to work outside. On the other hand, the other projects are great for the warmer days.
Today was one of the rare rainy days here and I have spent it surfing, reading and planning. I found a great idea for using sharpie pens to get a tie-dye effect. I want to make medallions for applique on a future project I am planning. Here is the link to the info if you are interested.
I’m back! It feels good.