Time to Catch my Breath!
We arrived in Calgary last night to a warm welcome from the ‘grand-dogs’! This morning we are taking a lazy start as we are still on Ontario time and our planned trip downtown is best left until after the morning rush hour. I wonder what adventures today will hold.
The last couple of weeks were a real scurry and culminated in a marathon photography session so I could record the T-shirt quilt before it was packed for delivery. Here is the final product – and it was well received!
Side one….
and side two….
In addition to accommodating a number of showings on the house I was also able to finish yet another UFO – Haven’t named it yet but here it is along with one that I finished while in Phoenix last winter. These are based on Wendy Fraser’s ‘fracture’ technique where you cut multiple copies of the same design and they reassemble as one piece. I used six pre-printed quilt blocks about 10.5 inches square to assemble the fracture portion of each of the pieces. This is a great technique for people who are math oriented but doable by anyone.
I continued to work on my piece begun two years ago in a workshop with Barbara Olsen. However it is just at the half way point and will have to wait until this fall for completion.
My show at Read’s Book Shop is over so I am now on the hunt for another location to show them. I’m also trying to get a couple of pieces ready for a group show later in September and need to get my paint brushes out again for some new pieces for the VAM Market Place. Who said ‘retirement’ would be relaxing?
For the next few days it’s over to family time and exploring new places.