Back to Crafts with a Granddaughter

Back to Crafts with a Granddaughter

We are back to weekend visits! Before Christmas our favorite little person would visit but decide to sleep at home. It seems she sensed that was where the action was and didn’t want to miss anything! However, Grandma has restocked the craft supplies and there were lots of new activities to try. Before Christmas we made Christmas tree ornaments that turned out rather well. Today she demolished the remaining supply of styrofoam balls making...

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What Do You Do to Get Yourself Out of a Creative Slump or Vacuum?

What Do You Do to Get Yourself Out of a Creative Slump or Vacuum?

I’ve been gradually getting back to doing some of my ‘ art shoulds’ that have accumulated during my wrist healing experience and one of the items on my list is blogging here more often.  I’ve been able to get back to some of my quilting projects (more on this to come shortly) and have started to plan my re-entry into my ‘art’ work so hope to have lots to share in the next few entries. Today I want to share my...

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Some Thoughts About Life on the Road and Changes to my Art Activities

Some Thoughts About Life on the Road and Changes to my Art Activities

  If you are visiting for the first time or monitoring my activity, a short explanation of my absence of almost a year. My husband and I decided to do a less than traditional transition into retirement and are currently on the road travelling, destinations decided on a whim and end date undetermined. As a result this past year has been a scurry of preparations and adjustments that have limited my will and ability to return to my art work....

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