Recycled Fabric ‘Campfire’ Jacket

Recycled Fabric ‘Campfire’ Jacket

  This coat has provided me with many cozy hours during our RV travel years!  It started it’s life as an ankle-length boiled-wool coat that I purchase to brave Ottawa winters while traveling to and from work.  It was purchased at a time when my weight had skyrocketed and by the next winter, after some time with Weight Watchers, it no longer fit and was relegated to the back of a closet. One of my fibre art...

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Socks, Socks and More Socks!

Socks, Socks and More Socks!

In January 2009 we headed out for a epic journey in our motor home and, knowing my inability to sit for long periods of time without something to do with my hands, I made a stop at the local yarn shop before our departure.  At that point in time I hadn’t had knitting needles in my hands for at least 20 years and I had never tackled ‘socks’ – lots of sweater, hats, afghans – but no socks!  That winter I completed my...

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Aftermath of Shopping Summer Sales

Aftermath of Shopping Summer Sales

On Tuesday a friend met me at my fibre art exhibit and later we had lunch and browsed through some of the local shops. I don’t think either of us started out with the intent of making purchases but some of the shops had buys that were just too hard to pass up. Among my purchases was a pair of slacks, regular price $70 for $20. At 5’9″ I often have difficulty getting pants that are long enough but this pair met that criteria. I...

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